Category Archives: Energy and Fuel

Green light for new innovation programme

ShiftSweden one of five new innovation programmes that will form part of a ten-year Swedish initiative in the transition to a sustainable society. Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas announced decisions today as part of their Impact Innovation call, which involves a major investment in...

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Possible breakthrough for airless tyres in EU project

Reduced material use, noise levels and rolling resistance. Airless tyres could provide such benefits. A design breakthrough may be on the horizon within LEON-T, an EU research and development project that has 10 partners. VTI is participating through Research Leader Ulf Sandberg. He is responsible...

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HCT: Do longer trucks affect road safety?

Trials of longer, heavier vehicles have shown that they can help reduce climate impact by increasing transport efficiency. Fewer trucks carrying more cargo in a single consignment use less fuel per tonne of goods transported, which in turn results in lower emissions. Several ongoing projects...

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30 km/h general speed limit in urban areas had a positive effect

Several European cities have introduced a general speed limit of 30 km/h in urban areas and the results so far show lower speed, compliance with the speed limit and fewer accidents. This is summarized in a new TØI report that looks at experiences from six European cities, as well as Spain,...

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Proposed tax increases for electric cars will increase greenhouse gas emissions

Full toll rates and VAT for electric cars will reduce the profitability of owning electric cars and increase greenhouse gas emissions from passenger cars in Oslo up to 2030. Photo: Charging electric cars / Shutterstock This is the main conclusion in a new TØI report, commissioned by the...

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Greener Lighthouses

The goal of the research was to look at more environmentally friendly energy backup power solutions for Iceland´s lighthouses. The practicality of fuel cell solutions was specifically examined, but this research also investigated wind turbine utilization. This research was funded by the Icelandic...

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The Norwegian charging market for electric cars is chaotic and not very user friendly

The market for electric car charging is characterized by low profitability due to large start-up investments, a complicated system of actors and poor user experiences. The charging market for electric cars is growing rapidly and include many interesting business models, which hopefully can help...

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Electrification of the transport sector

Greater knowledge is required to accelerate the electrification of the transport sector. The Swedish Government has tasked the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) with contributing such knowledge. The first three reports, dealing with digitisation, costs and maritime...

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The future: Three trends dominate VTI’s research

In the next few decades, much of VTI’s research will revolve around three major trends in the technological development of the transport system: electrification, automation and digitalisation. “All three areas are very important, but electrification is the most crucial thing. It’s the key...

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E-grocery can reduce transport

E-grocery gives new opportunities for consumers in terms of improved accessibility and services. It also means new logistics challenges for companies. Grocery e-commerce could contribute to a more transport efficient society through reduced car usage of consumers. In a study financed by the...

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