Category Archives: Intelligent Transport Systems

Evaluation and Analysis of Traffic Delays and Travel Times in the Reykjavík Metropolitan Area

The demand for comprehensive data on delays and travel times within the Reykjavík Metropolitan Area has surged. This rise in demand is particularly pertinent given the numerous construction projects slated for the region under the auspices of the Transport Treaty (is. Samgöngusáttmáli)....

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European Common evaluation methodology for CCAM: Draft handbook available!

A public draft of European common evaluation methodology (EU-CEM) for connected cooperative automated mobility (CCAM) is available for people planning and doing evaluation for and in CCAM projects, but also for project coordinators and proposal evaluators. The EU-CEM provides guidance for how to...

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New insights on the feasibility of C-ITS service provision in the Nordic countries

The Nordic countries have developed C-ITS in a series of NordicWay actions, conducting also evaluation to assess the feasibility of C-ITS service provision in the Nordic countries. Overall, the results showed that the feasibility seems promising. However, work remains in building optimal...

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Multiple new EU projects underway

A total of seven applications from the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) have been granted by Horizon Europe, the European Union’s key funding programme for research and innovation. Grant applications from VTI have enjoyed a high success rate. Of 17 applications...

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Posted in Flight, Human Behaviour and Attitudes, Intelligent Transport Systems, Safety, Shipping, Simulation, Traffic and Traffic Control, Vehicles | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Multiple new EU projects underway

Board games help improve self-driving buses

Serious Games are games created primarily for a purpose other than entertainment. The CATAPULT research project uses board games and maps to rethink self-driving vehicles and the future of public transport. The games provide interesting insights, according to the first Swedish test participants...

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Literature study on practical impacts of driving automation on traffic flow efficiency and emissions

Marketing and media have raised high expectations towards automated vehicles lowering road traffic emissions and improving efficiency, in addition to safety benefits. However, there is little evidence yet exists to support these claims, as found in a recent literature study. Kehä 3 - E18,...

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Study of infrastructure support and classification for automated driving on Finnish motorways

Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency set a project to assess the feasibility of Finnish motorway section between Helsinki and Tampere on E12 highway for operation of SAE Level 3-4 automated vehicles, to propose a framework for service level classification for them and to prepare a proposal for...

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L3Pilot achieved pan-European testing environment and evaluation of automated driving

The world is in a process of transformation: global warming, resource scarcity, demographic changes, and urbanisation are uncertainties that also influence the automotive industry and challenge it to respond. The transformation would go much further than safe and sustainable travel. It would...

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Acceptance and need of real-time traffic information services in the transport industry

C-ITS services offering real-time traffic information are estimated to have a large potential to improve road safety, traffic flow, and energy efficiency. For freight traffic, these improvements could result in cost-benefits. Photo: Shutterstock NordicWay 2 and 3 ( projects...

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Feasibility of C-ITS service provision in the Nordic countries

The NordicWay 2 project, co-funded by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme, was set up to support the deployment of cooperative intelligent transport system (C-ITS) services in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden). In addition to piloting, NordicWay 2 assessed the...

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