Category Archives: Policy and Planning

Evaluation and Analysis of Traffic Delays and Travel Times in the Reykjavík Metropolitan Area

The demand for comprehensive data on delays and travel times within the Reykjavík Metropolitan Area has surged. This rise in demand is particularly pertinent given the numerous construction projects slated for the region under the auspices of the Transport Treaty (is. Samgöngusáttmáli)....

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European Common evaluation methodology for CCAM: Draft handbook available!

A public draft of European common evaluation methodology (EU-CEM) for connected cooperative automated mobility (CCAM) is available for people planning and doing evaluation for and in CCAM projects, but also for project coordinators and proposal evaluators. The EU-CEM provides guidance for how to...

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Safety impact of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems in Europe

As of July 2022, multiple ADAS have become mandatory for all new vehicle models within the EU. A Master’s thesis carried out at VTT has assessed the potential impact of these systems on traffic safety in the region. The study is particularly focused on projections for the year 2030, aligning...

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Norway in the driver’s seat of bus safety

A separate European standard for crash safety in buses should be developed, according to TØI researchers in a new report.  Photo: Shutterstock That's one of the recommendations in a recent TØI report on driver and road safety in Europe and Norway, which was presented at Europe's largest...

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Proposed tax increases for electric cars will increase greenhouse gas emissions

Full toll rates and VAT for electric cars will reduce the profitability of owning electric cars and increase greenhouse gas emissions from passenger cars in Oslo up to 2030. Photo: Charging electric cars / Shutterstock This is the main conclusion in a new TØI report, commissioned by the...

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More effective harbours with the MODIG project

Is it possible to reduce energy use, lower costs and raise quality when road transports, rail transports and maritime transports converge in ports? And also do all of this at the same time? This is what researchers and doctoral students in the project MODIG are hoping to find out. Photo: Adobe...

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Report: Variable speed limits only have benefits

Good compliance, less environmental impact and better road safety. The same journey times on average, but fewer very long queues. A variable speed limit trial has shown a number of benefits – and actually no disadvantages. “This method should be used more,” says the researcher responsible...

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Parking regulations are essential to limit car use in cities and towns

Political anchoring, up-to-date knowledge and precise communication with all involved parties are crucial for ensuring a comprehensive parking policy in Norwegian municipalities. Photo: Regulation of parking and establishing a comprehensive parking policy are for many...

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EU research on better public transport

A new research project will study how public transport can become more resilient, inclusive, and integrated. Four countries will do case studies with different focus. In Sweden the researchers will study how micromobility solutions can be used with public transport in an inclusive way. Across...

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Norwegian railways are worn out and have burst capacity

Norwegian railway infrastructure is in an insufficient condition, capacity in Eastern Norway is limited and delays are due to infrastructural conditions. The railway sector also lacks an actor who takes care of the overall responsibility for the railway, in conjunction with other modes of...

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