Tag Archives: emissions

Large amounts of microplastics from worn road markings

The wear and tear of road markings is an important source of microplastic emissions. The amounts are difficult to calculate but are estimated to be at the same level as emissions from other significant and already-known sources. This is shown in a new study from VTI. Ida Järlskog, researcher...

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HCT: Do longer trucks affect road safety?

Trials of longer, heavier vehicles have shown that they can help reduce climate impact by increasing transport efficiency. Fewer trucks carrying more cargo in a single consignment use less fuel per tonne of goods transported, which in turn results in lower emissions. Several ongoing projects...

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Proposed tax increases for electric cars will increase greenhouse gas emissions

Full toll rates and VAT for electric cars will reduce the profitability of owning electric cars and increase greenhouse gas emissions from passenger cars in Oslo up to 2030. Photo: Charging electric cars / Shutterstock This is the main conclusion in a new TØI report, commissioned by the...

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Literature study on practical impacts of driving automation on traffic flow efficiency and emissions

Marketing and media have raised high expectations towards automated vehicles lowering road traffic emissions and improving efficiency, in addition to safety benefits. However, there is little evidence yet exists to support these claims, as found in a recent literature study. Kehä 3 - E18,...

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Electric vehicles cut emissions from goods delivery by 94 per cent

Replacing diesel cars with small electric vehicles virtually eliminated greenhouse gas emissions from goods delivery in downtown Oslo. No conflicts or accidents during the test period occurred, but the efficiency of the logistics was not as good as expected beforehand. These are the main...

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