Category Archives: Passenger Transport

Evaluation and Analysis of Traffic Delays and Travel Times in the Reykjavík Metropolitan Area

The demand for comprehensive data on delays and travel times within the Reykjavík Metropolitan Area has surged. This rise in demand is particularly pertinent given the numerous construction projects slated for the region under the auspices of the Transport Treaty (is. Samgöngusáttmáli)....

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“Not roadworthy”: VTI does not recommend the use of all-weather tyres

All-weather tyres have significantly poorer characteristics than regular winter and summer tyres in all conditions. The traction on icy road surfaces is so poor that the tyres cannot be seen as roadworthy for Swedish winter roads. This is shown in a new report from VTI and Folksam. VTI's...

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Norway in the driver’s seat of bus safety

A separate European standard for crash safety in buses should be developed, according to TØI researchers in a new report.  Photo: Shutterstock That's one of the recommendations in a recent TØI report on driver and road safety in Europe and Norway, which was presented at Europe's largest...

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Promoting active modes & physical activity of individuals – findings from Finnish research

The STYLE project (An active lifestyle as an enabler of sustainable growth) funded by the Strategic Research Council of the Academy of Finland examined the prerequisites for sustainable growth by means of promoting active transport modes and everyday physical activity of different age groups....

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The role of public transport within social and planetary boundaries

The way of living today, not least how we travel, put our planet under an unsustainable pressure. The term “planetary boundaries” is developed within earth science, and in short, is a way of expressing how much the planet can tolerate. If we don’t adapt our lifestyle to fit these defined...

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The risk of road accidents increases as more and more roads become polished

In recent years, there have been a number of serious road accidents due to motorists skidding off the road. The reason is believed to be that the country's roads are becoming increasingly smooth. VTI has investigated the cause of the problem in a pilot study. New designs of studded tyres, a rise...

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Posted in Environment and Climate, Human Behaviour and Attitudes, Infrastructure, Maintenance, Passenger Transport, Safety, Traffic and Traffic Control, Vehicles | Tagged , , | Comments Off on The risk of road accidents increases as more and more roads become polished

A combined mobility sector meets in Oslo at the Mobility 2023 conference

On 27 and 28 March 2023, a combined mobility sector is organizing Norway's largest research-based conference on transport and mobility in Oslo. We live in a time of tough climate targets, energy challenges and an ongoing war in Europe, which largely affect the transport sector. Changes and new...

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Board games help improve self-driving buses

Serious Games are games created primarily for a purpose other than entertainment. The CATAPULT research project uses board games and maps to rethink self-driving vehicles and the future of public transport. The games provide interesting insights, according to the first Swedish test participants...

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EU research on better public transport

A new research project will study how public transport can become more resilient, inclusive, and integrated. Four countries will do case studies with different focus. In Sweden the researchers will study how micromobility solutions can be used with public transport in an inclusive way. Across...

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Constant conflicts about the role of public transport

Today, public transport is characterised by a concentration of infrastructure and resources to fewer but more attractive “transit corridors”, as well as the ongoing effort to strengthen the attractiveness of public transport as a sustainable alternative to the car. However, this has not always...

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