Category Archives: Safety

Report: How care staff and tradesmen travel in their work

A new research study from VTI, funded by AFA Insurance, examines the work environment and safety when tradesmen and care staff travel in their work. The report – the first of its kind in Sweden – contains remarkable results in several areas. Photo: Hejdlösa bilder/ VTI It is well known...

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Few, but costly, serious incidents on Norwegian roads

New knowledge about the consequences of landslides and other events on the road network can contribute to more precise cost-benefit analyses. Photo: In two new research projects researchers at the Institute of Transport Economics (TØI) study the scope and costs of incidents...

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Safety impact of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems in Europe

As of July 2022, multiple ADAS have become mandatory for all new vehicle models within the EU. A Master’s thesis carried out at VTT has assessed the potential impact of these systems on traffic safety in the region. The study is particularly focused on projections for the year 2030, aligning...

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Alcohol behind many accidents with e-scooters

A young man under the influence of alcohol drives on an uneven surface or drives against a curb. He falls off and suffers injuries to his face and head. This happens late in the evening or during the night. That’s pretty much how a typical accident with an electric scooter unfolds. Photo:...

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HCT: Do longer trucks affect road safety?

Trials of longer, heavier vehicles have shown that they can help reduce climate impact by increasing transport efficiency. Fewer trucks carrying more cargo in a single consignment use less fuel per tonne of goods transported, which in turn results in lower emissions. Several ongoing projects...

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30 km/h general speed limit in urban areas had a positive effect

Several European cities have introduced a general speed limit of 30 km/h in urban areas and the results so far show lower speed, compliance with the speed limit and fewer accidents. This is summarized in a new TØI report that looks at experiences from six European cities, as well as Spain,...

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ROADVIEW – autonomous vehicles in extreme weather

Getting autonomous vehicles to work properly in sunny and dry weather is difficult enough. Add heavy rain, high winds and dense fog and the task becomes even more difficult. The ROADVIEW project is about just that – autonomous vehicles in extreme weather. Chamber where artificial fog is used...

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“Not roadworthy”: VTI does not recommend the use of all-weather tyres

All-weather tyres have significantly poorer characteristics than regular winter and summer tyres in all conditions. The traction on icy road surfaces is so poor that the tyres cannot be seen as roadworthy for Swedish winter roads. This is shown in a new report from VTI and Folksam. VTI's...

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Norway in the driver’s seat of bus safety

A separate European standard for crash safety in buses should be developed, according to TØI researchers in a new report.  Photo: Shutterstock That's one of the recommendations in a recent TØI report on driver and road safety in Europe and Norway, which was presented at Europe's largest...

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Speed effects of automatic enforcement on urban streets

A recent study evaluated the effects on driving speed of automatic speed enforcement on the street network in Helsinki.  Installing automatic enforcement reduced speeding and in particular the proportion of excessive speeding. There was also a reduction in the proportion of speeding overall...

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