After a successful first conference in June 2017, the Swedish research and innovation platform for electric roads is arranging the second dedicated International Conference on Electric Road Systems (ERS) June 13th and 14th 2018.

Electric test road at Arlanda. Photo: eRoadArlanda
The venue this year is Arlanda Airport City, next to the international airport of Stockholm, where a conductive solution of electric road is located on an existing public road. Rooms are pre-booked at First Hotel Arlanda with walking distance to the conference, more information is found under tab “Venue”.
This conference aims to gather international researchers and experts, to disseminate and discuss cutting edge results from research and pilot projects on the topic of Electric Road Systems, to facilitate and stimulate new collaborations, and to facilitate societal uptake of ERS as a sustainable solution for transport. Therefore, the aim is to bring decision makers, industry and research together in this interdisciplinary conference.
The conference program consists of key-notes and research result presentations and poster presentations, mixed with demonstration activities and industry panels related to all aspects of ERS. Emphasis for 2018’s conference is the organizational and business aspects of ERS: How do we go from vision to reality?
VTI, The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute is part of the Swedish research and innovation platform for electric roads, arranging the conference. Welcome to send in an abstract or register as a visitor.
Arne Nåbo
VTI, Sweden
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