VTI is part of the consortium that has been commissioned by the Swedish Transport Administration to conduct a research programme with focus on fossil free freight transports. The programme, called Triple F, will run for 12 years. Part of the programme is targeted at policy instruments.
The research programme Triple F (Fossil Free Freight) is led by Lindholmen Science Park (coordinator), together with VTI and RISE. The programme includes a consortium of about 50 stake holders from academia, industry and public agencies etc.
The Swedish Transport Administration funds the programme with SEK 290 million. Triple F works actively to attract additional actors with the aim of securing further funding. The programme is in line with the National Freight Transport Strategy presented in June 2018.

The Triple F research programme will contribute to the transition to fossil-free freight transport.
Photo: Siarhei Simanau/Mostphotos
VTI is part of the management team and responsible for state of the art reports in the areas “Policy instruments” and “Logistics” as well as the development of a monitoring system that follows the development of the CO2-emissions and factors that explain the development 2010 – 2030. VTI participates also in research projects and will contribute to the education of Phd-students.
“This initiative enables us, together with our partners in the consortium, to contribute to the transition to fossil-free freight transport and thus contribute to achieving the climate objectives,” says Jenny Karlsson, researcher at VTI and one of the research leaders within Triple F.
Policy instruments
The programme will include various types of policy instruments, i.e., administrative, financial and informative instruments, as well as infrastructure planning and research.
“In order to achieve the Swedish objective to reduce the CO2-emissions caused by domestic transports in Sweden by 70% between 2030 and 2010, we need policy instruments that guide shippers, carriers and others when deciding how to transport goods,” says Inge Vierth, who is also a researcher at VTI and one of the research leaders within Triple F.
Jenny Karlsson
VTI, Sweden
Inge Vierth
VTI, Sweden
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