The CAPITAL project has developed an online training platform on Intelligent Transport System (ITS) and Cooperative ITS (C-ITS). The platform includes ten courses on different topics. In addition to the online training, the project organizes face-to-face trainings to engage stakeholders in the field.
The CAPITAL project (Collaborative cApacity Programme on ITS Training-educAtion and Liaison) aims to support deployment of ITS and C-ITS through training and education. The target group is professionals in academia, public authorities, traffic management, industry, and infrastructure operators. Based on the identified knowledge gaps and needs of the involved stakeholders, training material was developed in a harmonized way. The courses are freely available at the platform: The online training consists of ten courses covering various aspects of ITS and C-ITS. The courses cover the following topics:
- Introduction to ITS and C-ITS
- ITS and C-ITS user services
- TMC and roadside technologies for ITS
- Communication technologies for ITS and C-ITS including relevant standards
- Impact assessment of ITS and impacts of selected ITS and C-ITS systems
- Financial incentives, business models and procurement models for C-ITS deployment
- Cost-benefit analyses of ITS services
- Guidance in deploying ITS and C-ITS
- Data protection and privacy
- SPICE: Public procurement of Innovation in Transport

Figure: Online training platform
The courses has been developed by experts and professionals within the project consortium. The educational material is in text, audio and visual form, and consists of a literature review, presentations, video lectures and tests. The students can engage with the material at their own pace as well as participate in online discussions. The content of the material will be improved and updated based on the evaluation of the students. Online training will be supported by live demonstrations and face-to-face trainings held across Europe.
CAPITAL – Collaborative cApacity Programme on ITS Training-educAtion and Liaison is a coordination and support action funded by the EU under the Horizon2020 (H2020) Research and Innovation Framework Programme Grant Agreement No 724106. Partners involved are ERTICO – ITS Europe (coordinator), UK Department for Transport, TTS Italia, AustriaTech, City of Helmond, IRU projects, FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE L’AUTOMOBILE, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd., Center for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) and ITS Hellas.
More information on the project can be found on:
Fanny Malin
VTT, Finland
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