Tag Archives: environmental impact

Constructing Pavement with Carbon-Negative Materials

Construction must profoundly change if humanity is to halt global warming to an adaptable level. The non-renewable, high-emission conventional materials should be phased out fast and replaced with bio-based and renewable materials that can store carbon and convert the built environment into a...

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Recycled tyres: Risk and opportunities

Tyre recycling is one way to conserve finite resources and the potential uses appear endless. However, there is a need to increase trust so that tyre-based materials can be seen as raw materials. This can be achieved with the standardisation of relevant physical and chemical properties of...

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Sweden valuates the price for CO2 emissions the highest among the Nordic countries

Valuation of climate emissions in the Nordic countries varies greatly from €24/ton CO2 in Denmark to €665/ton in Sweden. Norway values CO2 emissions somewhat higher than Finland at €152/ton CO2 but is still far behind Sweden.These are some of the findings in a research project that has...

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Environmentally friendly logistics for collection and recycling

VTI is taking a prominent role in two projects in the field of environmentally friendly logistics and sustainable transport: the SATIN* project to increase the circularity of textiles and the SHREK project, which looks at the role of Swedish ports in a circular economy. Large volumes of...

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To impose VAT on electric cars will cut the sales by 50 percent

By imposing VAT on electric cars in Norway the sales will be cut in half and the average CO2 emissions from new cars will increase by about 60 percent. In Norway zero-emission cars constituted 54,3 percent of all new cars purchased in 2020. If electric cars are subject to full VAT sales will...

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