Category Archives: Passenger Transport

Knowledge about land development and public transport for large Norwegian cities also works for small

Central location of new homes and workplaces in combination with straighter and faster public transport lines with a higher frequency, although it provides somewhat longer walking distances to stops than today. Train station. Photo: Shutterstock That is the recommendation for small and...

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L3Pilot achieved pan-European testing environment and evaluation of automated driving

The world is in a process of transformation: global warming, resource scarcity, demographic changes, and urbanisation are uncertainties that also influence the automotive industry and challenge it to respond. The transformation would go much further than safe and sustainable travel. It would...

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Research on rail transport at VTI

VTI strives to increase research in the field of rail transport, and currently it has about twenty people working in this area. Together they represent a broad and deep competence base with an interdisciplinary approach. Peter Torstensson, acting Director of Research at VTI and a docent at...

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Regulatory frameworks and MaaS developments in Finland and Norway

VTT and TØI have investigated the role the regulatory frameworks have played in the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) developments in Finland and Norway in the REGSMART project. Emerging technologies and services, often bundled within “smart mobility”, represent a new transformation of the...

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Fewer cars with CYNKA

The combination of bicycle and public transport has the potential to reduce car use in regional commuting. To accelerate this development, CYNKA has started a research and innovation project led by VTI. The study has attracted interest from various actors, which is also evident in the large...

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Exploratory dynamic modelling of modal choices towards carbon free urban transport in Helsinki, Finland

VTT has investigated the potential of relatively small, exploratory, dynamic models to produce insight for policy-making to facilitate at modal shifts towards carbon free urban transport. Further, the key elements that build such a model have been identified. To offer citizens alternative modal...

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“Public transport has taken a hit”

Travel by public transport has decreased significantly during the pandemic due to increased remote working, cancelled activities and fewer social gatherings. But it is also a natural consequence of the recommendations to avoid public transport and not to travel during rush hour. “Public...

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Low-income travellers in public transport pay more

A monthly travelcard is the most priceworthy choice. Nevertheless, travellers with low income tend to buy single tickets, instead of a monthly travelcard, according to a recent study about travellers in public transport in Sweden. A recent study of travelers in public transport in Sweden show...

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TRA VISIONS is a contest for young  and senior researchers in the field of transport in Europe. It is organised every other year on behalf of the European Commission in connection with the Transport Research Arena (TRA) conference. VTI was a partner of the consortium that organised TRA VISIONS...

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Posted in Cycling, Economics, Energy and Fuel, Environment and Climate, Flight, Freight Transport, Human Behaviour and Attitudes, Infrastructure, Intelligent Transport Systems, Maintenance, Passenger Transport, Policy and Planning, Safety, Simulation, Traffic and Traffic Control, Vehicles | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on TRA VISIONS 2020

Future concepts for sustainable urban mobility are demonstrated in new EU project

At the start of 2020, SHOW was launched, an EU project aimed at demonstrating and evaluating advanced concepts for sustainable urban mobility in real environments. The SHOW project has a budget of 36 million euro, almost 30 million euro of which is funding from the EU, and brings together 69...

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